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The Big (mixed) Family Show (202pics)

Welcome to the renovated Site

The main objective was to bring order to the chaos. Secondly, I realized that most people where using a smart-phone for viewing content.A Computer seems to be out for many! So i tried a layout that simplified the process of finding content and reading it. I know, not many are really interested in an "Old Farts" story but it was also good exercise for my rusty brain!

The Entry-Page is the menu in form of a site plan (vertical slide-bars). Ordered by Subject and Year. Below is a list of Slide-Shows and Videos

Content is displayed in 1 or 2 rows. The Sub-Menu is a horizontal scroll-bar on top. My face is the "Home Button", the rest is standard.

Hope you like it and let me know if you find faults! Nobody is perfect!

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If you want to translate the content to another language, you can use Chrome!

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The Jossi Grill Party
25.08.2024 in Uhwiesen